Æsy to define, Hard to analyse : First conference on Lipschitz free spaces (19-22 Sept. 2023)

Dear Colleague,
We are happy to announce a conference on Lipschitz-free spaces, also known as Arens-Eells spaces or Transportation Cost spaces. Up to our knowledge this is the first ever conference dedicated exclusively to this rapidly growing subject at the intersection of functional analysis, metric geometry and optimal transport, with outreach to applied mathematics and computer science.

The purpose of this meeting is to bring together researchers with common interest in these fields, and to give an opportunity to deliver a short talk.

Graduate students and others beginning their mathematical career are encouraged to participate.

The conference will take place at the "Centre Diocésain" in Besançon between the 19th and the 22nd of September.


Funded by the ANR JCJC (young researchers) project No. ANR-20-CE40-0006, "FRee space Isomorphisms and Isometries (FRII)".


Invited speakers

The following main speakers have agreed to deliver a plenary lecture:

Ramón J. Aliaga, Universitat Politècnica de València.

Marek Cúth, Charles University in Prague.

Michal Doucha, Czech Academy of Sciences.

Luis C. García Lirola, University of Zaragoza.

Chris Gartland, Texas A&M University, College Station.

Gilles Godefroy, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu.

Eva Pernecká, Czech Technical University in Prague.

Abraham Rueda Zoca, Universidad de Granada.

Richard J. Smith, University College Dublin.

Triinu Veeorg, University of Tartu.



The registration is free, but mandatory.

To register, you simply have to click on the tab "Registration" on the left, and then fill in the requested information.

The deadline for registration is: August, 27th.

If you want to give a short talk, then follow the tab "Submission".



 Organisers: Colin Petitjean (LAMA, Université Gustave Eiffel) and Antonin Procházka (LMB, Université de Franche-Comté).

If you have any question, please contact us to the address: frii AT sciencesconf.org


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